

 Posted by ミリタリーブログ  at 


Something I'd like to do with my hk416 one day : )

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2013年03月31日 Posted by sopmod  at 13:09Comments(0)HK416D

Remington MSR in action

First time seen Remington MSR sniper system used in action in A-stan! face03  

2013年03月30日 Posted by sopmod  at 00:02Comments(0)Military

new items TBA

I ordered few things today to update my AOR1 kit.

i will post pics when i receive them! icon12

2013年03月26日 Posted by sopmod  at 23:23Comments(0)Gears

0317 Desert Union

first time at DU with team OP4...also first time using my new HK416D in action!!!

it was great game, but i didn't like their field layout.

2013年03月19日 Posted by sopmod  at 00:22Comments(0)Game Days