game with cookie monster

another pic from last game.

it was last time im wearing this AOR1 set before Im getting new pair of pants. =)

My team-mate is wearing DIY Gille head cover.

it just looks funny when you look at it, but it disappears in the bush!!!

game with cookie monster

タグ :op4multicamaor1

同じカテゴリー(Game Days)の記事画像
Turf Battle Field Video part.2
Airsoft Turf War
RAID - 2014.12.14
東京サバゲパーク 10/25
OP4 at Battle City on June 1st
東京サバゲパーク 4/20
同じカテゴリー(Game Days)の記事
 Turf Battle Field Video part.2 (2015-01-31 18:16)
 Airsoft Turf War (2015-01-18 19:46)
 RAID - 2014.12.14 (2014-12-18 00:59)
 東京サバゲパーク 10/25 (2014-11-06 10:10)
 OP4 at Battle City on June 1st (2014-06-25 06:15)
 東京サバゲパーク 4/20 (2014-05-10 10:06)

2013年10月08日 Posted by sopmod  at 23:42 │Comments(0)Game Days
