MSA Sordin Headset

I recently haven't post anything due to my laziness and lack of consistency. Now I'm back in back in again =)

I broke my Comtac II replica headset at last game. It is good time for me to get something real deal.

MSA Sordin Headband ver.
MSA Sordin Headset
MSA Sordin Headset

Sounds quality is very clear. Cut off function works very well (of course =P). According to instruction, the battery life is over 600 hrs. REALLY!?

I will be at TSP next weekend and test out in the field. Now I need to figure out how to fit in the helmet comfortably.

One of my favorite movie, "Infil Exfil" firefight scene cut out version.

タグ :msasordinop4

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2014年03月08日 Posted by sopmod  at 11:12 │Comments(0)Gears
